onsdag den 23. august 2017

Poesibogen: Ronny Karlsson, Beernews.se

I en tid, hvor Svensk øl snart er mere interessant at følge end dansk, der er Beernews.se blevet en uundværlig kilde til at følge med i, hvad der sker på den anden side Øresund. Jeg spurgte Ronny Karlsson om han kunne have lyst til at bidrage til poesibogen. Der var intet han hellere ville. Vi stiller om..

What is your favorite beer? 
This is so hard to answer, almost impossible. There are so many great beers out there and great beers in so many different styles. But if I have to answer with one beer, I do pick Alesmith Speedway Stout – Vietnamese Coffee. 

What is your favorite beer type? 
I used to say Imperial Stout here and maybe I still do. But I do like many of the New England-IPAs that have come out on the market lately as well. 

Where do you buy your beer? 
Mainly at Systembolaget, not that many options in Sweden. But I also like to buy beers at the bars around Järntorget in Göteborg, and while travelling to California. 

What has been your greatest beer experience? 
It has to be last years Alesmith Speedway Grand Prix at the brewery in San Diego. The Grand Prix means you buy tickets to an event where they release 16 new versions of their Speedway Stout. Long but great day... 

What makes beer so great? 
The complexity, beer can taste in so many ways. But I also think the whole community adds to it. There are so many great people working with beer.